
About 900 elected officials, civic and business leaders from Broward County and South Florida gathered on Friday, April 8th for Broward Workshop's 8th Annual State of Our County Forum. Broward County Mayor, Marty Kiar gave an overview of the State of Broward County asserting that the county has cut government spending, reduced the size of County government and maintained a healthy financial reserve.

Tony Carvajal, EVP of the Florida Chamber Foundation gave a "Broward County Economic Benchmarks" presentation where he compared Broward to other metropolitan areas in Florida and in some cases to the US. He also reported on Broward County’s historical performance over the last decade in key areas that included jobs, median income, housing, and education.

Florida Senate President Designate Joe Negron delivered the keynote address. He spoke about the State’s current opportunities and challenges of legislative hot buttons such as income, jobs, the State’s budget, and insurance.

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